• Hey there! I'm a seasoned globe-trotter with over 25 years of experience navigating the dynamic world of tourism. My journey has seen me dip my toes in business development, sales, and event management, always riding the wave of change and innovation.

    I've had the privilege of working with multinational agencies and international clients, driven by results and fueled by my ability to converse in five languages. This linguistic prowess hasn't just given me a leg up in the industry, it's opened up a world of opportunities (literally!).

    But here's the thing - what truly sets my heart aflutter about this industry are the people. The clients who've become dear friends, the suppliers who've morphed into partners, the teams I've watched blossom into experts - each interaction has been a chapter in my gratifying story. And let's not forget that sweet, sweet feeling of delivering a successful event and seeing a client beam with satisfaction.

    When the pandemic hit, it was as if the world pressed the pause button. But for me, it was a chance to reflect, reorganize, and reinvent myself. I emerged from this period as a Business Coach, with a burning desire to help other professionals and companies reach for the stars in their work.

    In recent years, I've found myself on stage as a speaker at various events, leading workshops, participating in conferences, and even donning the hat of a lecturer in University Masters programs. These experiences sparked an idea - why not create my personal brand and help professionals like me? So, here I am, ready to help you leverage up your sales game and leave your clients dazzled by their experience with your brand.

    With my treasure trove of knowledge and unwavering commitment to excellence, I can't wait to help you and your business make waves in the exciting world of tourism. Let's do this! text goes here

  • Life experiences make us grow and learn…many times between tears of sadness…other times of joy… the important thing is that we always look at what we learn. I have learned that with my family and a professional community life is amazing! I learned what it means to be a mother of a child with a disability and how inclusion is something we have to fight for…be it disability, gender, color, sexual orientation….Events must be a mean of transmitting these values.

    🧡 Empathy and resilience are my favorite words

    🧡 I learned that my furry animals give me tremendous peace and tranquility and love us unconditionally forever

    🧡 The professional community that I have around me, professionals like me, have always given me respect, friendship and with them I have learned a lot… even Spanish!!!!

    🧡 Traveling for many years has given me knowledge and understanding the world, to love people and to feel that I am a small particle in this world. text goes here